Musings from a Pastor, Educator, Wife, and Mother

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Generous In Every Way: Part III

“In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, pray, love: one woman's search for everything

At Covenant we dare to believe that the more we give the more we receive.  As we discern how we can be generous in our own lives, we will reap the rewards of a faithful life filled with deeper meaning in which we see God's Spirit working in and through us. 

Our final reflection comes from church elder and chair of both The Learning Ministry Team and the Congregational Nominating Committee, lifelong Presbyterian and parent of one awesome third grader, Laura Jane Ramsburg. Thank you for your enthusiasm and faithfulness, Laura Jane!
When Scott and I started attending Covenant in 2002, we knew what we were looking for in a church: a strong music program that drew from older and newer traditions, preaching that made scripture relevant to daily life, welcoming members, and a well-structured Sunday service (we are Presbyterians, after all). We found that Covenant was a good choice for Sunday morning—that was all we wanted, and this church provided it for us. Over time, we realized that Covenant had more to give. We got involved with music programs on Wednesday nights; I attended a Woman to Woman event; Scott joined a Christ Connections class.

As years continued to go by and I got more engaged in Covenant’s mission, I started to see not just what Covenant could provide for me, but ways I could be helpful to my church. A background of grant writing and documentation were useful as we worked through the transitions from Bob and Dusty to Loren, to Carl, and now to Kyle. I’ve been honored to serve on nominating committees and the Vision Team. I have the joy of co-teaching senior high Sunday school and chairing the Learning Ministry Team.

Covenant has blessed me and my family with the astonishing variety of all it has to give. The programs and outreach are completely driven by the church’s members; having seen generosity in action, I want to be generous, too.

Laura Jane Ramsburg

Elder, class of 2017

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Generous In Every Way, Part II

Paul urged those under his care in generosity.  He wrote to the Corinthians encouraging them to give an offering to the church in Jerusalem, "You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity."--2 Corinthians 9:11

Covenant is on the precipice of a new thing.  God is constantly at work in us through the Holy Spirit forming and shaping us for the future.  We are continually being called as Christ's hands and feet in the world.  Such service is fostered by our generosity of time, talents, and treasures. 

Receive these words below from member of the Diaconate, Karen Jackson. Thank you, Karen, for your creativity and your willingness to serve in many ways!

Why I'm in the Covenant Family

I grew up thinking about Jesus' words, "In my father's house there are many mansions..." As a child, I could just picture a huge house with bay windows and wraparound porches, and my view has changed very little over the years.  However, I've come to realize that, if I am anticipating the promised special treatment in Heaven, I'd be wise to start preparing for the gift while here on earth.

So...if I want a mansion in Heaven, how can I best prepare?  By dwelling in a house on earth that is God's--my chosen house of God, Covenant Presbyterian Church.  At Covenant, I feel His presence at every corner, from the weekly worship service to the various committees on which I serve to the community and world benevolences to which our members so freely give of their time, money, and talents.  I've been a faithful churchgoer all my life, but have never witnessed the degree of commitment to God's mission that I am privy to each time I step in the church door.  Best part is... it's not merely hard work for the purpose of fulfilling the church and God's mission, but labor mingled with pure joy.

Am I still dreaming of my Heavenly mansion? Absolutely, but have been blessed beyond measure by being a member of a wonderful church "house" and family while I wait--Covenant Presbyterian.

Karen Jackson

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Generous In Every Way: Part I

In one of his writings, Franciscan priest Richard Rohr says this of God's generosity that comes to us as grace:

Grace is, quite literally, "for the taking." It is God eternally giving away God--for nothing--except for the giving itself.  It is the life energy that makes flowers bloom, animals lovingly raise their young, babies smile, and the planets remain in their orbits--for no good reason whatsoever--except love alone.

For the next few weeks I will have some guest writers on the blog.  Several members of Covenant Presbyterian Church have written about how they sense God's generous grace at Covenant as we recognize that God gives to us freely out of his deep love for us and all of human kind.  In light of God's grace then, how do we respond?  Generous in every way.  

This week's note comes from current Chair of the Diaconate, Jonathan Fiedler.  Thank you for your tireless efforts and support, Jonathan!

Dear Covenant Family,

Covenant has always shown me the value of giving back to our community and world.  This selflessness leads our church forward towards embodying Christ's mission.  It is this spiritual inspiration of altruism that draws me in.

But there is another personal factor.  After my car accident in 2001, my family and I were submerged with support in many forms.  The same is the case for my mother's bout with cancer in 2014 and father's cardiac scare in 2016.  This congregation lifted us up with unrelenting support.  Droves of others have been assisted and cared for during trying times.  We are blessed to belong to such a compassionate congregation.

The money and time that we donate to Covenant multiplies with the fruit that it bears.  The world news is not always uplifting, but the heart of Covenant's members and congregarional initiatives to feed the sheep are praise-worthy.
