Musings from a Pastor, Educator, Wife, and Mother

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Loren Greets Her Dear Neighbor: Read Acrostic

Lord, creator of all things great and small, light of the world, GOd of all that is and will be,
On bended knee I pray to you, have mercy on my soul and the souls of my neighbors.
Remind us of your ever present grace in our lives, your guidance and mercy that directs our will in holy ways,
Enlighten our minds and fill our hearts with love for you and one another.  Although we are weak help us strive to strengthen our bonds to you;
Never allowing us to fall from the sight of your magnificent glory.

God, I beg for your hand to guide my pen, that my words will further glorify you;
Reminding myself and those around me that you are the one triune God.
Eternal Father and Mother of us all, the master whom we shall serve from
Everlasting to everlasting; until your son comes again to lift us up to your kingdom.
To you I commend my spirit and beg you would touch the souls of my brothers and sisters, that we may all be one body in Christ.
Sustain us oh Lord with the manna of good faith, that we may be nourished by your love and grace, remembering the sacrifice made for us.

Help me Lord, for I am but a feeble lamb
Easily I can stray from your flock
Reconcile me to the good shepherd; that I might bring others into the fold.

Do not give up on me, this I beg. I wish only to be brought more closely to you and in that to enrich the lives of my fellow human.  All of which are your people, your children.
Envelop me in the curve of your smile, that I might rest my weary soul in the warmth of your breath.
All I am, I offer to you gracious Redeemer, for I can give only of myself, to you and to others, to fully live the life for which I was made.
Render me utterly useless without your wisdom, without which I can do nothing for good or ill.

New and revived let me come to you heavenly Lord.
Enlightened by the spirit which you have breathed into me, allow me to reveal you to others.
Inviting believers to the table to share in the good news of the new covenant you have given to us.
Grace and peace are your precious gifts to us, let them be illuminated and shared with one another.
Honor to you, God, who has been at work in our lives since before we were born,
Blessed be my work, to that I might be a blessing to others, glorifying you.
Of your grace, Giver of all that is good, let us all be mindful, of you and of one another as we strive to come closer to you, living a Christ-like life.
Rescuer, let us not forget our shortcomings, but may we know to bow humbly before you in all that we do, in preparation for the life that is to come.

Risen Christ, let your model be our guide as we greet one another in fellowship, may your peace be within us all.
Everything we do in action and word, may we submit ourselves to you, knowing that in sin we were committed to death, but in you a new life has come for us, sweet forgiveness.
Almighty God, I beseech you, give us gracious fortitude and humble intelligence, that we may live only to fight the good fight that is to manifest itself in faith and love. 
Deserving of your mercy we are not, blessed are we who serve you and continue to bear your light into the world, spreading the gospel to neighbor and friend.

Theological Claim: We are to love our neighbor as ourselves.  In doing so, we should be compelled to know God and to help our neighbor attain to God out of love for them, through prayers, words, and deeds.

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