Musings from a Pastor, Educator, Wife, and Mother

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Man Up A Tree

You might be asking yourself right about now, what’s that man doing up in that tree?  I’m Zacchaeus. Zac --if you’re my friend.  I don’t have many friends.  Maybe you’ve heard of me.  If you have, it’s probably from someone talking about what a bad person I am; how as a tax collector for the Roman Government I’ve turned my back on my Jewish brothers and sisters in order to line my pockets with other people’s money.  But, maybe, if I’m lucky, you’ve heard of me and my encounter with Jesus.  The day that changed my life forever.  Most people around here are still skeptical of my confession and conversion.  Well, I’m still a little skeptical myself.  That’s why I’m sitting up here in this sycamore tree again.  Just trying to see if I can hold on to that holy moment where the Son of God stopped here and saw me, spoke to me.  Invited me into a relationship with him.   I’m willing to make changes in my life. It’s been a few months now and I’m trying.  

I can’t really say what motivated me to leave my work and try to see Jesus that day.  Except that, well, I hate to be left out of anything and everyone in town was lining the street and chattering excitedly about this guy named Jesus.  Apparently he’d been traveling from town to town, stopping and healing people along the way.  I heard that he’d even been having meals with outcasts.  So, I guess, I just wanted to see what he looked like.  I heard he had an entourage traveling along with him.  I figured they must all be big, burly guys, tough fellows who sort of protected him.  Or maybe he paid them to travel with him.  I just figured he was a magician with a few tricks up his sleeve maybe.  I had to admire a man like that.  I mean there were lots of people around claiming to be the Messiah.  I had to admire his spunk for keeping it up for so long…. I, too, have preyed upon the good will of the public to gain power and prestige.  I figured this Jesus wasn’t any different.  Maybe there would even be something in it for me, if I saw some really crazy behavior I could tell the Roman officials about it.  Maybe they’d pay me for information.  

There was no way the people lining the streets were going to let me stand in front of them so that I could get a good look at Jesus.  They all hated me, and not without good reason.  I represented Rome to them. I was the guy who took their money, gouged them for funds.  It wasn’t always that way.  But I needed money to take care of myself and being a tax collector for a time seemed to be a pretty good way to get it.  Over time, I saw other tax collectors skimming a little more money from the top, and then a little more.  I won’t lie to you, the power went to my head.  And the wealth I gained from my behavior….well I was just too blinded by the coins to see how low I had really fallen.  So, anyway, I shimmed up this tree so that I could get a good view of the whole scene.  I wasn’t really that much higher up than other people.  Just enough that Jesus could walk beneath this branch and look up at me.  I really hoped he wouldn’t even see me or acknowledge me.  If he was a trickster like I assumed he was, I didn’t want to make myself look any worse to my neighbors.  But, on the off chance that he really was the Savior, I couldn’t risk the shame I was sure to feel if he noticed me. 

Have you ever tried to make yourself so small you’d disappear?  Have you ever just closed your eyes and willed yourself to become invisible?  That’s what I was doing when Jesus abruptly stopped beneath this branch and calmly looked up at me.  Our eyes locked for a moment and not a word was spoken between us.  As the crowds began nudging each other and whispering harshly against me I thought surely this would be the end of me.  I could tell immediately that this man was no magician.  There was not a devious bone in his body.  His intense calm caught me off guard.  It was all true, I knew it in an instant-- this man was the Messiah.  And he was staring at me! “Zacchaeus,” he said a steady voice, he knew my name!  “Zacchaeus,” he said, “Come on down from there, I’m going to come to your house for supper this day.” 

Had I heard right?  Jesus was inviting himself to my home for dinner?  Folks, he may not have been swindler as I had first presumed but he had every bit of self-assurance I expected him to have.  You see, in our tradition, you do not invite yourself into someone else’s home, but you wait to be invited.  And if you break bread together, it means that you have accepted one another.  You are kindred.  You are friends.  The Messiah wanted to eat with me!  All the people within hearing began to protest. They called out to Jesus, bringing to bear all of my sins, hurling insults at me.  All of which, I now see, I deserved.  I clamored down the tree and once again, to my amazement, my confession simply poured out of me.  It was as if I was overcome with such emotion that I could not contain myself, my absolute soul needed to be laid bare before this man.  “Lord, look, please!”  I threw myself at his feet.  “Here and now I will give half of everything I own to the poor.  If any of these people I have cheated, out of anything, I will give them back four times the amount I stole.”  I meant this, oh yes I did, because I wanted so much…. I needed so much, for this man to help restore me to the person I once was.  I wanted to feel the love and respect of Jesus. 

Do you know what he did?  Jesus placed his hand on my shoulder, even as I was shaking like a leaf, tears streaming down my face.  Right there in front of everyone, all of the people I had wronged these last few years, Jesus showed me grace and mercy.  He reminded the people, and me, most importantly, that I am a son of Abraham too.  No matter how lost I had become.  Jesus lifted me to my feet and said, Salvation has come to this house, because I have come to seek and to save the lost.”

 I was forgiven. My life could begin anew.  Jesus came into my home and we broke bread together before he and his disciples went on their way.  He told me he was headed to Jerusalem.  I have to wonder why he would go there, when it seems such a dangerous place for him to be.  The day of Passover is only a few days away.  I will celebrate this Passover in a way that I have not for many years, trusting in God’s love for me. And I will bring food and goods to other people in this community who are suffering, so that they can celebrate too.  And each time I break bread, I will remember eating with Jesus.  And when I am tempted to go back to the life I once led, I will return to this old tree.  And I will pray that God would give me the strength to follow in his ways, to live by the lessons Jesus shared with me. I will confess my sinfulness and be washed anew in his grace. 

You know what? I bet you could too.  I bet you could also find yourself made new in the grace of Jesus Christ.  No one is perfect.  We are all broken.  We all have sins we’d rather not confess.  But, if we can find a way to purge ourselves of what is dark within us….if we can then strive to live a life filled with compassion and love in response to God’s mercy…well then we are doing the best that we can do. And one of the best gifts about being a follower of Jesus is that you do not have to do any of it alone.  It is not easy-- going back to what is comfortable, or profitable, or relying only on ourselves is often the simpler path we think we can take.  But, I am here to tell you, what is right is not always what is easy. Jesus came to seek out and to save the lost.  That is you.  That is me.  He is extending his hand.  All we must do is accept it.  Amen. 

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