Musings from a Pastor, Educator, Wife, and Mother

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


What I know today is that sermons are tiring and I am so glad that so many amazing pastors and profesors have posted their work online and in blogs for me to discover, be inspired by, and yes even to "borrow" for my own purposes. My sermon this week focuses on Mark 1:4-11, The baptism of Jesus. I decided to go with the theme of how radical this movement of John and Jesus was. How we are called to get out of stuffy symbolism and get messy in ministry.

I'm not sure if I know how to do that in sleepy Appomattox. The slow pace has lulled me somewhat into complacency. If only my words could rocket people forward and I could stay behind and take a nap!

How can I light a fire under my congregations proverbial butt without burning my fingers on the matches? The big picture looks like this: we grow the congregation spiritually... then we find ways to intersect that with the needs of the community...and that equals growth for both. But the ideas on how to make that come to fruition look more like tangled Christmas lights. Hmm...if you plug them in, "voila!" they are easier to unsnarl.

So here it is--we've been baptised into this movement. God has called us beloved and sent the Spirit to empower us! There is no excuse then to sit idly by. It is going to be messy and tiring, but that is the whole point, right? To change, to challenge a humanity that will be forever damaged? ?

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