Musings from a Pastor, Educator, Wife, and Mother

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Come, All Ye Faithful

I'm starting the New Year's Resolution early.  Hopefully that doesn't mean it will sputter out early, too!  When thinking about positive ways to engage one another as family, friends, neighbors, brothers & sisters in Christ (whatever best suits your needs) I think perhaps one way I can aid in this engagement is by blogging on a more regular basis.  I always do a monthly blog for my son, Kemper, and if you want to read those you can check out  But this will be a more concentrated effort on thinking about faith, ministry, every day life and where they intersect. 

A familiar hymn during this season is "Come, All Ye Faithful."  The hymn calls on us to "Come and behold him, born the King of angels. Oh come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord."  Here is what I find so fascinating about Christmas.  It is all the people that you get to see at special Christmas Concerts and Worship services, and pageants and church that you don't see any other time of year.  You know what I am talking about, the Christmas and Easter people.  Maybe you are one of them.  On Christmas we do come, we flock together to bear witness to "Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing!" And then Christmas Day comes and goes, life's routines fall back into place, and we lose that brilliant light and joy that we experienced for those few hours together in the great fellowship halls, live nativity stalls, and sanctuaries of our places of worship. 


What is it that brings us back time and time again for Christmas, the story we know best?  And what is it that prevents us from coming back for Sabbath time all the days following?

Is it the same old stories?  Is it too much politicking and hypocrisy (we've all heard that argument)?  Is the worship not feeding you spiritually?  And, more importantly, is the church not serving and/or directing its worship to God? 

Our church theme at Covenant this year is "Already Home."  The thought behind this being that in Covenant you have a place that you can feel comfortable and welcome, a place where you can lay your weariness aside and reconnect with one another and God.  We seek to fill our needs with so many other activities, clubs, and associations, but in God and together as the body of Christ, you already are given what you need.  

So, I challenge you as the new year approaches to Come.  Come worship with us on Christmas.  And keep on coming.  

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