Musings from a Pastor, Educator, Wife, and Mother

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Hard Week

It has been a hard week to be a mother.  A hard week to be a wife.  A hard week to be a pastor. Just a hard week. Deadlines, responsibilities, fatigue and general grumpiness.  Ever have those?  I'm sure you do. 

The hardest part of our week at home has been the mornings.  You see, our son Kemper started a new class at his school last week. Every morning for the last week our little toddler has woken up crying because, in his words, "I don't wanna go to big classroom."  Our little one has left the familiar space of a class he has been in for eight months or so, and moved across the hall, leaving behind beloved teachers and close friends, for a new teacher and older children, some of whom are friends, and others who are "big kids" and seem a little scary.   Even though the schedule is basically the same, his routine is much the same, there is so much newness it overwhelms him.   The amazing part of it is that every afternoon when we've picked him up he has run to me and said, "Mommy, I had a great day!"  But somewhere between dinner and the next morning, the great day is forgotten and the anxiety sets in again. 

Transitions are hard.  We recognize that don't we, Covenant? Transitions are unfamiliar, and messy. Transitions are frightful and frustrating.  The unknown is agonizing. In 3 years Covenant has had 2 longtime pastors retire.  We've also had an adult ministries and volunteer coordinator and a youth and activities director retire. We have a new preschool director this year.  There has been a huge shift among both staff and laity in terms of ministry responsibilities.  We waited while we called an interim.  We waited while we hired a new youth director.  We wait, still, for a new Pastor/Head of Staff to be called.  God knows he/she is out there and will guide our dedicated PNC in God's time. There is a new class of elders and deacons and we are launching a new organization of leadership with five ministry teams comprised of elders, deacons, and laity.  I feel overwhelmed just typing it all.   Transitions are hard.

But you know what, at the end of each Sunday service I think, "Lord, we had a great day."  At the close of ministry team meetings and staff meetings I think, "Lord, we had a great day."  When we collected 3,324 cans of soup for our community, "Lord, we had a great day."  When I finish chapel time with the preschool children, "Lord, we had a great day."  When we send out college care packages in such abundance that we cannot pack it all into the boxes, "Lord, we had a great day."  When families and visitors return week after week to become involved in our Covenant community, "Lord, we had a great day."   

Somehow, we have to overcome the anxiety, the fear, the inertia, we feel in our transitional time and focus on the great day.  For Kemper, we've tried all sorts of things to encourage him this week.  We've taken him to the playground, we've gotten him special dinners, we've talked about how brave his new Ninja Turtle shoes at school can make him.  We've even let him carry a batman figurine in his pocket.    As a church, we have all the tools we need to come out on the other side of transition.  We each bring gifts and talents to the table, if we are willing to recognize and share them.  We have the Bible to guide us and Bible Studies, Classes, and committed teachers to help teach and interpret alongside us.  We have dedicated leaders who focus on the daily operations of our church, and members who have spent considerable time guiding us to discern who we are and where we are going.  We have the joy of small children and the inquiring minds of teenagers. Even more importantly, we have our Gracious God on our side! 

Next time you begin to feel overwhelmed by the changes or struggle with the difficulties of the past or the uncertainty of the future; ask yourself where the joy in your calling to love God, love people, and make disciples comes from.  Find something that inspires you to say, "Lord, we had a great day!" 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Thanks for this and making my good day even better. God makes each day Possible and the possibilities are endless.
