Musings from a Pastor, Educator, Wife, and Mother

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Trading Spaces

I am working toward fall and all that entails for the faith formation of  our congregation's children.  In fact, I have been working toward fall since June. But now instead of me chugging ever so slowly along, I am now seeing light at the end of the tunnel...and that light is rushing toward me at lightening speed! I am delighted to welcome our children back to our Christ Connections classes in a few weeks.  I believe in the curriculum we are using and I believe we have a good team of teachers being formed for the months ahead.  The pressure is on, however, because we may feel like that 45 minutes a week might be the only faith formation these children have time for and we better make it just right!  As educational leaders in the church we must slow down and take a deep breath.  A calm, loving presence for our children is the first step in creating healthy learning spaces for our children.  The rest will come, they receive more than we think they do. 

What I really hope for is that our work is only half of the Christian education our children get. My true hope is that while the children are in their welcoming spaces, the parents will be in welcoming spaces, participating in lifelong learning practices of their own on Sunday mornings.  And then, families can go home and infuse that learning into their own spaces in the ways they engage one another.

 I really couldn't say it any better this week so I will just leave this article here.  Good stuff from Presbyterian Outlook.  The Room Where It Happens

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