Musings from a Pastor, Educator, Wife, and Mother

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

With A Grateful Heart

Monday morning after I dropped my son off at school I made a run to the grocery store.  I have found first thing in the morning to be an excellent time to make this trip.  As I was finishing up my shopping and double checking my grocery list (more in the cart than on the list to be sure) I saw three men from Cave Spring Fire and Rescue doing what I can only assume was shopping for the department.

We have lived in Roanoke for about a year and a half.  We've had the Cave Spring Rescue Squad and the Fire Dept at our home twice.  For the fire department, the first occasion was Kemper's first febrile seizure and the second was just this summer when we called due to a faulty ceiling fan burning up. Each time the department has come to our home they have been nothing but calm, compassionate, and professional.  I know that some would say these men and women are just doing their job, but to me it is a job that requires intentional sacrifice and often places them in harms way.   So, when I saw these guys in the grocery store, several of whom I recognized from previous encounters, I felt compelled to do something for them.

I bought each of them a Starbucks gift card so that they could treat themselves.  I ran over and delivered them as they were in the check-out line.  It was a very small gesture, one which they assured me I should not have done.  I thanked them for their tireless service to our community.  I could not find the words to say how they have touched my family personally.

I tell you this little story not to give myself a pat on the back, but as a reminder that even the smallest gestures can make someone's day.  Your kindness and compassion in the world matters!  Our Christian love is demonstrated in the way we interact with our fellow human beings, all of whom are loved by God! We do not have to look far in today's society to hear of stories that highlight the most broken and destructive parts of our nature.  We must strive more each day to shine Christ's light to others.  Just imagine if each of us could show our thanksgiving of others in a tangible way each day.

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