Musings from a Pastor, Educator, Wife, and Mother

Friday, September 7, 2018

What I love about Sundays

This is probably not something the majority of readers would consider on a regular basis....what a pastor might love about Sundays.... and not because we only work one day a week!  Sundays are a beast for pastors (at least speaking for myself) and we spend our entire week preparing for this one day (among dozens of other irons in the fire at any given time) only to find that when it is done we must gear up for the next Sunday.

There is no such thing as a lazy Sunday in my household.  From the moment my eyes pop open the wheels in my mind are turning.  Sunday morning, or church, has a lot of moving parts for me.  I have to get ready, get there, and get started.  I used to be better about thinking through Sunday mornings before they actually arrived, but then I became a mother.  Now, I see check-lists in the mirror while I'm painting my face.  Pouring a bowl of cereal may remind me that we are taking up a hunger offering.  The flurry of activity begins from the moment I pull into the parking lot.    Review the bulletin, put my hands and eyes on my portions of the service.  Go downstairs and greet folks as Sunday School gets going.  See to whatever responsibilities I have in that hour (often teaching). Rush upstairs, get robe.  Again, put hands and eyes on bulletin, prayers, sermon etc.  By this time my mind is in total overdrive.  Where's the acolyte? Are the Bible passages marked? Oh, right, Hunger offering--where are those bags? Greet the greeters, peek at the prayers, check the clock.  Listen to stories from parishioners, answer questions, don't forget the microphone.  Chime the hour, entry of the word, walk. Worship begins.   By the way, it is HARD to worship when you're a pastor with responsibilities.  At least for me, I have to will myself to slow down and enjoy those moments.  My afternoons after lemonade and cookies might have fellowship events or evening meetings.  Those are long days but in the end, rewarding.  Because despite this review of my frazzled feelings on Sunday mornings, there are things I love about Sundays!

I love being with the children on Sunday mornings.  I love when they walk in with sleepy jacks in their eyes and tell me about their week at school or what they did on Saturday.  It is so fun to watch them come together and talk, run around, and laugh.  It doesn't really matter what their ages are--somehow they all welcome each other.  When their voices come together in song--stronger as they become more confident, I love that.

I love popping my head in the door of the youth room and seeing the teenagers engaging in conversation. I love when their teachers come and tell me about an ah-ha moment they've had.  It delights me to watch them shuffle over to serve as greeters, livening up as they welcome people into the sanctuary.  It has nothing to do with me at all, but my heart bursts when they serve as ushers in worship.

I love when everything goes smoothly in worship. I love when all of the liturgy, music, scripture, and sermon speak to each other. We work very hard to provide a space for that to happen in ways that are meaningful.  The caveat here is that it almost never happens.  I forget something, or flub something, or someone else does.  But this is good.  It is good to remember that we are all imperfect! It is good to remember that worship does not have to be stuffy, silent, or perfected in order to glorify God.

I love when people stay to visit after worship, to gather around the snacks provided, to linger in conversation.  It is a lovely way to greet people, to have those brief conversations about upcoming events, prayer concerns, etc. I enjoy hearing adults supporting one another, finding common ground and becoming friends.  In fact, I love all the opportunities where people can come together like this, classrooms, committees, lunches and dinners.  The church is the community within, not the building.

And after that, I love going home! I love the rare afternoons when we can all take long naps!

I love nights with session meetings.  I do not love session meetings.  I do not love that they are often long and my brain shuts down at 8:00 PM.  But I do love the camaraderie that only those of us privileged to be in the room get to see.  I love to witness respectful, thoughtful dialogue by dedicated members of the church.  More than anything, I love the moments of laughter wedged in between the mundane.

And after that, I love going home! I love eating a bowl of cereal over the counter, putting on my PJs and collapsing into bed to read my book for five minutes before I pass out.  Then it's Monday.  I get up and start the cycle all over again. Sunday comes quick,  I love that.

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